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作者: 雷火电竞首页 来源:   日期:2023-11-09 00:39

本文摘要:与中国的历史,文化,经济,社会发展有关的大学英语四级词汇(缓!!)京剧 Peking opera  功夫Kungfo  评书 witty dialogue comedy  泥人 clay figure   书法 calligraphy   中国画 traditional Chinese painting   水墨画 Chinese brush painting   中国结 Chinese knot   中国古代四大发明 the four great inventions of ancient China   火药 gunpowder   印刷术printing   造纸术 paper-making   指南针 the compass   青铜器 bronze ware   瓷器 porcelain; china   秋千swing   武术 martial arts   儒家思想Confucianism   儒家文化 Confucian culture  孔子 Confucius  文房四宝(笔墨纸观)the Four Treasures of the Study (brush, ink stick, paper, and inkstone)   春节 the Spring Festival   元宵节 the Lantern Festival   清明节 the Tomb-sweeping Day   端午节 the Dragon-boat Festival   中秋节 the Mid-autumn Day   重阳节 the Double-ninth Day   七夕节 the Double-seventh Day   春联 spring couplets   庙会 temple fair  爆竹 firecracker   压岁钱 New Year gift-money   元宵 sweet sticky rice dumplings  赛龙舟 dragon boat race  胡同hutong   月饼 moon cake   豆浆 soybean milk   馒头 steamed buns  火锅hot pot  长城 the Great Wall of China  故宫 the Imperial Palace  封建制度的feudal 朝代 dynasty  秦朝 Qin Dynasty   少数民族 ethnic minority   中华文明 Chinese civilization中华人民共和国 the People’s Republicof China (PRC) “一国两制” “One Country,Two Systems”“一中一台” "One China,OneTaiwan"“两个中国” "Two Chinas"(两岸)必要三通 Three Direct Links (Mail, AirAndShipping Services And Trade)两千三百万台湾同胞 23 Million Taiwan Compatriots两会(人大,政协) Two Conferences (Npc AndCppcc) “三个代表” “ThreeRepresents” “三个代表”最重要思想 The Important Thought OfThree Represents三八红旗手 Woman Pace-Setter三大历史任务 The Three Major HistoricalTasks三个不利于 Three Favorables三农问题 “ Agriculture,Countryside AndFarmer” Issues《中美三个联合公报》 The Three Sino-Us Joint Communiqués四个现代化(农、工、国防、科技)FourModernizations四项基本原则 Four Cardinal Principles四中全会 The Fourth Plenary Session和平共处五项原则 The Five Principles OfPeacefulCoexistence八项主张 The Eight-Point Proposal“八个坚决、八个赞成” "Eight Do's" And"EightDon'ts"“八七”贫困地区攻坚计划 The Seven-Year Program To Help 80 MillionPeopleOut Of Poverty“九五”计划 The Ninth Five-YearPlan(1996-2000)“十五”计划 The Tenth Five-YearPlan(2001-2005)第十五届中央委员会 the 15th central committee of thecommunistparty of china (CPC)十六大 16th Party Congress十一届三中全会 The Third Plenary Session OfTheEleventh Central Committee“南南合作” “South -SouthCooperation”“南北对话” “ North-South Dialog” “台独”,台湾独立 "TaiwanIndependence"“引入来”和“回头过来”政策 “Bring In" And"GoingOut"求以字母C结尾的英文单词来形容中国。

与中国的历史,文化,经济,社会发展有关的大学英语四级词汇(缓!!)京剧 Peking opera  功夫Kungfo  评书 witty dialogue comedy  泥人 clay figure   书法 calligraphy   中国画 traditional Chinese painting   水墨画 Chinese brush painting   中国结 Chinese knot   中国古代四大发明 the four great inventions of ancient China   火药 gunpowder   印刷术printing   造纸术 paper-making   指南针 the compass   青铜器 bronze ware   瓷器 porcelain; china   秋千swing   武术 martial arts   儒家思想Confucianism   儒家文化 Confucian culture  孔子 Confucius  文房四宝(笔墨纸观)the Four Treasures of the Study (brush, ink stick, paper, and inkstone)   春节 the Spring Festival   元宵节 the Lantern Festival   清明节 the Tomb-sweeping Day   端午节 the Dragon-boat Festival   中秋节 the Mid-autumn Day   重阳节 the Double-ninth Day   七夕节 the Double-seventh Day   春联 spring couplets   庙会 temple fair  爆竹 firecracker   压岁钱 New Year gift-money   元宵 sweet sticky rice dumplings  赛龙舟 dragon boat race  胡同hutong   月饼 moon cake   豆浆 soybean milk   馒头 steamed buns  火锅hot pot  长城 the Great Wall of China  故宫 the Imperial Palace  封建制度的feudal 朝代 dynasty  秦朝 Qin Dynasty   少数民族 ethnic minority   中华文明 Chinese civilization中华人民共和国 the People’s Republicof China (PRC) “一国两制” “One Country,Two Systems”“一中一台” "One China,OneTaiwan"“两个中国” "Two Chinas"(两岸)必要三通 Three Direct Links (Mail, AirAndShipping Services And Trade)两千三百万台湾同胞 23 Million Taiwan Compatriots两会(人大,政协) Two Conferences (Npc AndCppcc) “三个代表” “ThreeRepresents” “三个代表”最重要思想 The Important Thought OfThree Represents三八红旗手 Woman Pace-Setter三大历史任务 The Three Major HistoricalTasks三个不利于 Three Favorables三农问题 “ Agriculture,Countryside AndFarmer” Issues《中美三个联合公报》 The Three Sino-Us Joint Communiqués四个现代化(农、工、国防、科技)FourModernizations四项基本原则 Four Cardinal Principles四中全会 The Fourth Plenary Session和平共处五项原则 The Five Principles OfPeacefulCoexistence八项主张 The Eight-Point Proposal“八个坚决、八个赞成” "Eight Do's" And"EightDon'ts"“八七”贫困地区攻坚计划 The Seven-Year Program To Help 80 MillionPeopleOut Of Poverty“九五”计划 The Ninth Five-YearPlan(1996-2000)“十五”计划 The Tenth Five-YearPlan(2001-2005)第十五届中央委员会 the 15th central committee of thecommunistparty of china (CPC)十六大 16th Party Congress十一届三中全会 The Third Plenary Session OfTheEleventh Central Committee“南南合作” “South -SouthCooperation”“南北对话” “ North-South Dialog” “台独”,台湾独立 "TaiwanIndependence"“引入来”和“回头过来”政策 “Bring In" And"GoingOut"求以字母C结尾的英文单词来形容中国。例如,china(瓷器),centuried(历史悠久的)charming,capable,careful, certain(某个),civil(有礼貌的),clever ,clumsy(愚蠢,僵硬的),common, commonplace(肤浅的), conscientious(严肃的 ,谨慎刚强的,心态的,勤恳的,有良心的....), conservative controversial(引发争辩的,倍受争议的) ,crazy ,crude, cunning curious( 怪异的,爱人老实的),cute,cautious (慎重的)clear-minded(头脑清楚的) cruel candid (刚强的) confident热情的 considerate 善解人意的 contemplative 爱人灵修的,冥想的 cooperative 有合作精神的 creative 有创造性的英文中十二月份的全称和简写英语中12个月份的简写你都告诉吗?5分钟教教你学会 - 西瓜视频长城的英语单词怎么写出长城的英文:the Great Wall一、great英 [greɪt] ;美 [ɡret]adj.最出色的,卓越的;出色的,明显的;很多的;根本性的adv.[口语]很好地;令人满意地,顺利地,成功地;不解地二、wall英 [wɔ:l] ;美 [wɔl]n.墙;屏障;隔阂;壁垒vt.& vi.筑墙冲入,用墙分隔;围以墙adj.墙壁的1、The British stunt man Eddie Kidd jumped over the Great Wall of China on a motorcycle.英国特技表演者埃迪·基德骑马摩托车飞到了中国长城。

2、He who doesn't reach the Great Wall is not a true man.不到长城非好汉。拓展资料涉及词:一、places of historic interest名胜古迹1、As an old city, there are many places of historic interest in Beijing.作为古都,北京有许多名胜古迹。2、I rode around the city and visited places of historic interest, anything to get Bartleby off my mind.我驾车绕着这个城市并转,参观历史名胜古迹,任何能把巴特利拜为动容我脑袋里德东西。

二、intangible heritage英 [ɪnˈtændʒəbəl ˈheritidʒ] 美 [ɪnˈtændʒəbəl ˈhɛrɪtɪdʒ]世界非物质遗产Intangibleheritageisakindoftraditionalcultureandpersonalknowledge.非物质文化遗产是一种传统文化、一种个人科学知识。西方的国家习惯称作城邦,古代中国历史怎么没这个词汇?1、中国古代有类似于“城邦”的词语是“列国”,也叫“诸侯国”。2、城邦指由一个分开的城镇为中心的国家。





